The Top Five Tips To Reselling SEO Content
Search Engine Rank - December 4, 2015

If you’re a beginning SEO reseller, you know that there’s more to buying and reselling good search engine optimization content than what first meets the eye. For one thing, to make a profit you need to find the right company from which you can outsource SEO. For another, you have to make sure that the SEO content you provide to your clients is good enough to meet their requirements. Ultimately, it’s easy to see why some SEO resellers get overwhelmed. But it doesn’t have to be that way, especially if you learn the SEO trade inside and out. To help, we’ve made a list of 5 SEO reseller tips to help you out. Enjoy!
1. It’s All About Keywords
Keywords can be the bane of an SEO reseller’s existence, which is why we’ve made this the first of our 5 SEO reseller tips. The issue with keywords is that some clients provide keywords that are very difficult for SEO writers to work into pieces, whether they be blog posts, articles, or lists. When reselling SEO, you might want to urge your clients to choose keywords that are a bit more natural. Think of “the best cars” rather than “cars best 2015”. 75% of users don’t scroll past the first page of search engine results, so you want this to look good.
2. Keep It Organic
The look of SEO content is very important. It can make or break whether or not a potential customer keeps reading or dismisses the content as another silly ad. It’s estimated that 70 to 80% of Internet users ignore paid ads in favor of organic results, so you want the content you resell to look as organic as possible. In fact, 70% of all links searchers click on are organic. Don’t let your content stick out like a sore thumb.
3. Utilize Social Media
SEO outsourcing goes beyond simply asking for a piece, receiving it, and selling it. A good SEO reseller cares about his or her clients, and with good reason. If they succeed, they’ll end up being repeat customers. As such, it’s in your best interest to help your clients link up to social media to further increase their online presence.
4. Help With Website Building
Another part of being a good reseller is helping your client have the cleanest, most inviting website possible. Presumably, you have online marketing experience as a reseller. The SEO content is no use if it’s on a site that is impossible to navigate, so help your client with this.
5. Get Creative
The last of our 5 SEO reseller tips is simple: be creative! Don’t simply hand your client an article and hope it works. Talk to them about blog posts and lists, and maybe even videos. The more interesting an SEO piece is, the more likely it will be to attract an online user’s eye – and their business.