Is the Future of Marketing Already Upon Us?
Search Engine Rank - April 3, 2013
Did you know that Google’s company headquarters have lawns that a mowed by goats rented from a grazing company? This is probably the least significant fact about Google, but there is a reason that they can afford to rent goats. By 2014, internet usage employing smartphones and tablets is set to outpace the usage of other mobile devices. Already 65 percent of people who use mobile devices rely on them to find local businesses and 70 million users shop using a mobile device like a cellphone or tablet.
And Google will have an enormous role to play in the future for two reasons. One is called PageRank, an algorithm named after Google’s co founder Larry Page, and the other is called search engine optimization.
Search engine rankings are a significant part for determining whether or not a company’s products are noticed and Seo marketing is a rising industry to ensure that the Google rankings of its clients are high on the scale. Google receives almost two thirds of all searches on the internet, and it collects around three quarters of the search engine advertising revenue.
It is for this reason that Seo tools relating to Google’s algorithms will probably be central to business operations in the future for so many local businesses trying to get their message out. Search engine optimization is a form of inbound marketing which connects businesses with the people who have specifically conducted internet searches for the sort of services that those companies provide.
A search engine optimization firm can edit online content to ensure that a business receives more recognition online for its services, particularly in the areas which its serves, and it is for this reason that effective businesses will probably continue to use companies that understand Google’s algorithms in the future. In some ways, the future of marketing might already be with us.