Day: October 8, 2013

Why So Many Companies Are Turning to SEO

Search engine rankings

Recently, many online pundits have made the claim that search engine optimization is dead. Somehow they argue that SEO marketing has run its course and now has gone the way of the dinosaur. However, attention grabbing antics aside, the fact is that search engine optimization is increasingly important in the realm of web marketing.

Where It All Began%3Cbr%3E

In September of 1998, Google was founded. In February 2009, Google’s first-ever tweet read “I’m feeling lucky” in binary code. The company headquarter’s lawn is maintained by goats, rented from a grazing company, that naturally keep the grass mowed. Yes, the company is quirky but because of their search algorithm, “PageRank”, online marketing was, unarguably, born into the world.

Why SEO is So Important%3Cbr%3E

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